האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים                   The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

הפקולטה למתמטיקה ומדעי הטבע  Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

המחלקה להוראת המדעים                                         Science Teaching Department


קולוקוויום וסמינר דוקטורנטים

Colloquium and Doctorate Students' Seminar  

הפגישה תתקיים ביום ד',

כד' אייר תשע"ב – 16 מאי, 2012

בשעה 16:00 בחדר סמינריונים של המרכז להוראת המדעים,

בניין למדע, גבעת רם



פרופ' רז קופרמן   Prof. Raz Kupferman

 מכון למתמטיקה –  Institute of Mathematics

When a mathematician teaches

elementary school teachers


Four years ago I initiated courses in elementary school mathematics for elementary school teachers. My initial point of view was very naive:

a. I believe that teachers who are more knowledgeable in their subject matter are better teachers.

b. I consider myself as a good math teacher.

c. I will teacher them math.

d. They'll become better teachers.

e. QED.

This initiative has quickly increased in volume, lead by a group of the Hebrew University mathematics graduate students; several hundreds of elementary school teachers have already attended theses courses. Very quickly, we (the instructors) discovered that life is way more complex than we imagined. Above all was a "cultural clash" between teachers and mathematicians in what they perceive as knowledge that teachers need. In this lecture I will describe the evolution of these courses, from their naive start to their present form. I will try to evaluate in what sense they were successful, and what can be learned about the value of involving mathematicians in MathEd.


נשמח לראותכם בפגישות ובדיון

פרופ' יגאל גלילי

מארגן הקולוקויום