האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים                      The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

הפקולטה למתמטיקה ומדעי הטבע      Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

המחלקה להוראת המדעים                                           Science Teaching Department


קולוקוויום וסמינר דוקטורנטים

Colloquium and Doctorate Students' Seminar  

הפגישה תתקיים ביום ד',

כ' באדר תשע"ב,  14 במרץ 2012

בשעה 16:00 בחדר הסמינריונים של המרכז להוראת המדעים,

בניין למדע, גבעת רם.



Prof. Marina Milner-Bolotin

Faculty of Education Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy

The University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada

Beyond the Paradigm: Implications of Kuhn’s “Structure”

on educational research and teacher education


In order to become a secondary science teacher in Canada, a teacher-candidate must have a B.A. degree in science and then complete a 12 month long Bachelor of Education Degree (equivalent to a Teacher Certification in Israel).  However, most of the teacher-candidates have never taken a course in the history and philosophy of science and consequently very few of them have had a chance to reflect on the ontology and epistemology of science and how they apply to science teaching. Consequently, a significant number of teacher-candidates view science as compendium of unrelated facts and “theories”. Thus it should not be surprising that science teaching methods that focus on specific pedagogical techniques will do very little to change teacher-candidates’ views of the nature of science. This in turn will negatively affect their view of how they should teach science. In this presentation I will argue that the lack of the philosophical and historical scientific consciousness of pre-service science teachers has serious negative implications on their teaching practices, their formation as future teachers and consequently on how our students learn science in K-12 educational system.


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פרופ' יגאל גלילי

מארגן הקולוקויום